Special Educational Needs
At St Mary’s our Special Educational Needs approach believes in
high expectations and achievement for all
all children to achieve the best they can in an inclusive environment
valuing the contribution of every individual
We work closely with pupils and parents and follow a graduate response when supporting children with additional needs and believe in quality first teaching as the first step to ensure children are making progress and working alongside their peers.
We then move to additional support within the classroom and then identified external special education needs and disability support. This support can include but is not limited to:
Maths and literacy 1:1 and/or small group intervention
Emotional Literacy Support
Read Write Inc. focussed interventions
Reading Recovery programme
Outside specialist support including; Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Services, Special Educational Needs Support Services assessments, Sensory Assessments, CAMHS support and Behavioural Support services
If it is felt that these interventions have not resulted progress and outcomes being reached, then an Educational Health Care Plan may be applied for following Dorset County Councils Banding assessment process that was introduced in October 2017.
An inclusive environment where children can work amongst their peers is central to our beliefs and where possible we ensure learning takes place within the appropriate year group classroom. Where it is felt that extra support is needed we have The Nest where children receive high quality intervention with the aim close the gap between them and their peers. We have also recently opened a quiet/sensory room to enable children who may need time away from the classroom an environment that supports these needs.
To find out more details about SEND support at St Marys please read our 2018 SEND Report.
If you have any concerns regarding your child/children please do not hesitate to speak to their class teacher or key worker (nursery) or arrange a meeting with Mrs Richardson, SENCo, to discuss these in more detail. Please email the school office ( who will pass your enquiry to Mrs Richardson.