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Welcome To St Mary's CE First School and Nursery

‘Believe in better…be more AWESOME – For anything is possible with God’

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Local School Committee

Welcome to our Governance section. 

As proud members of Heath Academy Trust, much of our Governance exists at a Trust level. However, we have our very own Local School Committee made up of Parents and Foundation Members who meet together with the Headteacher termly. As a Church of England school we have maintained our Christian Distinctiveness through our Christian Ethos Committee who also meet regularly.

Minutes of these meetings are then provided to the Trust Board. Please find below details of how our Local School Committee is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each representative.

Local School Committee

Mrs Lucy Coombs          Chair (HR & Staff Wellbeing)

Vacancy                          Parent Representative

Mr Roy Sewell                Head Teacher 

Mrs Jayne Lilley              Staff Representative

Vacancy                          Parent Representative

Mr Alex Clarke                Foundation Representative (Safeguarding & Finance)

Mrs Rosie Wand             Foundation Representative (SEND)


Mrs Sue Newport           Clerk to the LSC



Christian Ethos Committee

Mrs Lucy Coombs           Chair (Church School Flourishing)

Vacancy                           Vice Chair 

Mr Roy Sewell                 Head Teacher (Vision & Values)              

Vacancy                          Parent Representative

Mr Alex Clarke                Foundation Representative (RE)

Mrs Rosie Wand             Foundation Representative (Collective Worship)


Mrs Sue Newport           Clerk to the CEC
