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Welcome To St Mary's CE First School and Nursery

‘Believe in better…be more AWESOME – For anything is possible with God’

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Collective Worship

Collective worship is an extremely important part of our school day.  It is integral to our school life, containing messages which we encourage children to take home and into the wider community.  We adopt a varied and creative approach, welcoming a number of visitors to lead school worship and involve all our children as they do so.  Different forms of collective worship take place at our school such as:


  • Throughout the week children from all year groups gather together for whole school worship led by Reverend Andy and our teaching team.
  • Class worship takes place weekly in every year group.  This is an opportunity to enable the children to deepen their understanding and thoughts behind each Christian message.  
  • We gather for whole school celebration worship every Friday inviting the parent community to celebrate with us.
  • Each classroom has a dedicated reflection area.  Children are given time and opportunities for personal prayer through the use of prayer books and baskets.
  • All children are invited to pray at regular intervals throughout the day with our lunchtime and end of the day prayers.