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Welcome To St Mary's CE First School and Nursery

‘Believe in better…be more AWESOME – For anything is possible with God’

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Maths Overview


At St Mary's, we take a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics, ensuring our children become resilient learners and life-long mathematicians. We strive to equip them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to solve a wide range of mathematical problems through fluency in numbers and strong mathematical reasoning.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), we provide daily experiences and opportunities for children to explore and apply their mathematical skills. Maths in EYFS is delivered through a combination of adult-led activities, small group work, independent tasks, and child-initiated play.


We use the White Rose Maths programme to establish strong foundations and promote a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The concrete-pictorial-abstract approach emphasises mastery and provides scaffolding to help children learn effectively. We use manipulatives to support learning and open-ended questions to deepen both procedural knowledge and conceptual understanding.


Through the Number Sense programme, we provide daily opportunities that focus on teaching key number facts and enhancing fluency in maths. This includes developing visual models of numbers, a deep understanding of number relationships, and fluency in number facts.


We actively encourage cross-curricular opportunities wherever possible, so key concepts are reinforced and consolidated in real-life contexts. This approach ensures our children develop the mathematical fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills needed to become confident, capable, and curious mathematicians.
