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Welcome To St Mary's CE First School and Nursery

‘Believe in better…be more AWESOME – For anything is possible with God’

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Collective Worship

Collective worship is an extremely important part of our school day.  It is integral to our school life, containing messages which we encourage children to take home and into the wider community.  We adopt a varied and creative approach, welcoming a number of visitors to lead school worship and involve all our children as they do so.  Different forms of collective worship take place at our school such as:


  • Throughout the week children from all year groups gather together for whole school worship led by Reverend Andy and our teaching team.
  • Class worship takes place weekly in every year group.  This is an opportunity to enable the children to deepen their understanding and thoughts behind each Christian message.  
  • We gather for whole school celebration worship every Friday inviting the parent community to celebrate with us.
  • Each classroom has a dedicated reflection area.  Children are given time and opportunities for personal prayer through the use of prayer books and baskets.
  • All children are invited to pray at regular intervals throughout the day with our lunchtime and end of the day prayers.

Please feel free to enjoy some of our Collective Worship recordings:

Thursday 25th March 

Is it important to say sorry and forgive?

Think about times when you have had to forgive and times when you have been forgiven. Have you had a quarrel before abs how was it resolved?


Wednesday 24th March

Collective Worship with Rev. Andy 

Tuesday 23rd March 

If we hold on to the hurt feelings, they can damage our friendships.  We call it bearing a grudge. How easy is it to forgive? 

Thursday 18th March 

What does it mean to forgive somebody? 

Wednesday 17th March

Collective Worship with Rev. Andy

Tuesday 16th March

Jesus often uses parables to teach people about important truths. One of the best known parable is The Prodigal Son or The Lost Son.  Why do you think Jesus told this story?  

Monday 15th March

The Bible tells us if we have done something wrong we need to say sorry to God and he will forgive us.  In a similar way, if you have upset a friend you should say sorry and they need to be brave enough to forgive you. 

Thursday 11th March

Wednesday 10th March 

It is sometimes difficult to trust when we are worried or frightened.  How does Jesus show his faith and trust in God?

Tuesday 9th March

“Two people are better than one... If one person falls, the other can reach out to help.” Ecclesiastes 4.9-10


Monday 8th March 
Friday 5th March
Thursday 4th March 
Wednesday 3rd March
Tuesday 2nd March
Monday 1st March

Friday 26th February 

Celebration Assembly with Mr Sewell

Thursday 25th February 
Wednesday 24th February 
Tuesday 23rd February 
Monday 22nd February 

Friday 12th January 

Celebration Assembly with Mr Sewell 

Thursday 11th January
Wednesday 10th January 
Tuesday 9th January 
Monday 8th January

Friday 5th January

Celebration Assembly with Mr Sewell


Thursday 4th January 
Wednesday 3rd January 
Tuesday 2nd January 
Monday 1st January 

Friday 29th January

Celebration Assembly with Mr Sewell

Thursday 28th January 
Wednesday 27th January 
Tuesday 26th January 

Monday 25th January 


Friday 22nd January

Celebration Assembly with Mr Sewell

Thursday 21st January 
Wednesday 20th January 
Tuesday 19th January- Baptism
Monday 18th January- John the Baptist
Friday 15th January- Celebration Assembly 

Thursday 14th January 

Wednesday 13th January- The Presentation by John August Swanson
Tuesday 12th January- Jesus in the Temple

Monday 11th January- A story of Hope


Friday 8th January- Celebration Assembly

Thursday 7th January- Flame of Hope

Mary and Joseph put their trust in God through all kinds of challenging circumstances.  This growing trust was the basis for their hope that God was with them and their future as a family was completely in his hands.  

Wednesday 6th January - Epiphany

Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on the 6th January and is the time when Christians remember the Wise Men (also sometimes called the Three Kings) who visited Jesus.  Epiphany is also when some churches remember when Jesus was baptised, when he was about 30, and started to teach people about God.  Epiphany means 'revelation' and both the visit of the wise men and his baptism are important times when Jesus was 'revealed' to be very important.

Faith (Official Lyric Video) - Nick & Becky Drake // Worship For Everyone

St Mary's Believe it ...

St Mary's Assembly Thursday 9th July

"He ain't heavy, he's my brother"

Mrs Latham's Worship- Kindness

Mrs Latham's Worship- Patience

St. Mary's Virtual Awesome Learner Assembly - 26.06.2020

Assembly Love is Brave

Assembly Thursday 25th June 2020 Love is Brave

St Mary's Assembly Thursday 11th June The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Christian Value Worship- 'Courage'

St. Mary's Virtual Awesome Learner Assembly - 22.05.2020

St. Mary's Virtual Awesome Learner Assembly - 15.05.2020

Every Step (Official Lyric Video) - Nick & Becky Drake

Every Step (Lyric Video) - NICK & BECKY DRAKE Brand New Single Released Oct 26 2018: Sheet music a...
